Andrew's Answers

My New Favorite Thing

Posted in Uncategorized by andrewm22 on August 20, 2011

If you talked to someone they would most likely tell you that they would not be reading during summer. (Some people you don’t have to ask.) But I have. If you talked to me about this two years ago trying to get me to read this, the first thing you’d hear was no, no, no, no, NO! But some people told me I should start reading these books, so I tried them and I’m only on the 2nd one. When you’re 5 and all you watch is Spongebob and Rugratz and you’re dad is in love with these books then guess what you’ll be watching: those movies and for some people they can be scary a little bit. I mean how many people like giant spiders crawling out of boxes or some bus driver who has a zombie head hanging from the ceiling?

I’ll give you a hint there are 7 books and 8 movies. Guessed what it is yet? My new favorite thing to talk about with my cousin,………….. HARRY POTTER! They are the greatest books ever. I have only watched one whole movie and I’m not even half way through the second book but still. My cousin has all the books so she’s letting me read them. I’m reading the book and then watching the movie because if you read all the books and then watch all the movies your memories of certain scenes tend to jumble all together.

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